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Tina Samples

3 Steps to Start Healing From Deep Scars

Updated: Feb 9, 2022

I have scars. I have a scar above my eye-brow and was told I fell in the bath tub when I was a small child. I have a scar on my hand where I cut it while washing a glass. My biggest scar is right down my chest where they opened me up, took out a dead heart, and replaced it with a new one. That scar reminds me of pain, suffering, loss, hope, and life. I also have deep inner scars that through much work have been healed.

I recently came across a story of one man’s scars. These are scars he will have for the rest of his life-- like many of us.

If Jesus had lived through his beatings, he would have had scars that revealed his #trauma. He bore the suffering for us. He took the beating and dying for us. He stepped into suffering in our place. His scarring shows what he did for us – because he loved us.

What scars are you holding on to? Yes – you may have outward scars, but what about those deep emotional scars you keep hidden and bandaged? Are you ready to unravel the dirty covering and allow healingl? Perhaps today is that day.

Below are a three steps you can take to move toward healing.

  • Tell someone – if you haven’t shared your wound – share it with your pastor, friend, or relative. Get it out into the light. Hasn’t the wound been hiding long enough?

  • Seek Help – There are so many places you can go to get help for your #wounds. (Pastor, counselor, recovery program, support group, mentor from church) Take that crucial step toward healing.

  • Get into the Word – read your Bible. You’ll be surprised at just by doing that, how #God speaks to us in amazing ways. His Word will give you hope and #healing. Though you may not be willing to accept it now, one day the scriptures will fall over you like a fresh blanket. Healing Bible Verses

My friend, God wants to heal your hurting heart. You do matter. He loves you. Nothing is too difficult for Him.

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