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Biblical Counseling

I will praise the LORD who counsels me— even at night my conscience instructs me. I keep the LORD in mind always. Because He is at my right hand, I will not be shaken.


Psalm 16:7-8

"Her words were like a band aid on a wound that had been open for so long."                                                          ~ Gothata, Botswana


What It's All About

As a pastor's wife, Tina has been counseling women for over 25 years. Though she does not have a biblical counseling degree, she is well educated in the Word of God. Along with counseling, she also teaches, speaks, and writes about the Bible. Tina does not work with those diagnosed with serious illnesses and will refer them to professional counselors as needed. However, she does give practical advice, along with biblical teaching, to help others.

Sometimes we just need a little help. 

C.S. Lewis

"You can't go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending."

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