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Tina is an Award Winning Author and Speaker.  She lives in Texas with her husband David. Together, they have two sons, one daughter-in-law, and one granddaughter.

Tina's books include Wounded Women of the Bible: Finding Hope When Life Hurts, which she co-authored with Dena Dyer, and Messed Up Men of the Bible: Seeing the Men in Your Life Through God's Eyes, which she co-authored with Dave Samples. 

Tina has contributed to multiple books and had magazine recognition. Both books have been awarded and honored in multiple ways. ​

Allow me to let you in on a little secret - I'm just like any other gal out there. I've been hurt, wounded, broken, pushed down, scarred, and shattered. I've also been picked up, restored, put back together, mended, and healed. I have a huge ache in the pit of my stomach to help women. My goal is to focus on healing hurting hearts - or to at least help. Only God can heal us, but perhaps I can offer hope and encouragement.


Being a pastor's wife for over thirty years has allowed me to talk to many women, so many of them hurting. I've just about heard it all. 


Though I don't have all the answers, I promise to help in the best way I can. The Lord has done a good work in my heart, and He wants to do the same for you. So please reach out. I'm here. 


Thanks for taking this journey with me.



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